Information and discussion related to high-resolution lidar topography for the Earth sciences
Thanks to the ASU Capstone team - a group of senior undergraduate School of Computing and Informatics students at Arizona State supervised by OpenTopography Co-I Ramon Arrowsmith - we now have a very nice video tutorial on how to use OpenTopography to download and process LiDAR point cloud data to digital elevation models:
OpenTopography received the following information about this upcoming event in Boise via email today. The conference theme is "Light Detection and Ranging laser technology (LiDAR) to plan for, mitigate and solve public safety issues" and the list of topics looks interesting. Details in the announcement below:
The University of Houston put out a press release today - National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping Comes to Houston - announcing that one half of the NSF-supported NCALM LiDAR mapping center has moved to UH (the other half of NCALM remains at University of Californ
Another new LiDAR data collection funded with stimulus dollars that I recently became aware of is the ARRA Golden Gate LiDAR Project. Led by San Francisco State University and funded by USGS ARRA, this project will collect data in coastal regions around San Francisco:
A proposal for an extensive LiDAR collection of coastal regions of the Northeastern U.S. (New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine) has been funded by the USGS with American Reinvestment and Recovery Act money. The proposal, led by the Maine Office of GIS, is to collect LiDAR data over ~13,500 square miles.
I just stumbled upon this LiDAR 101 video, produced by the Carl Vinson Institute of Government at University of Georgia, while Googling for something else. In ~13 minutes, it does a nice job of summarizing LiDAR technology, data products, the costs associated with acquiring data, and various applications. It is worth a watch if you are looking for a quick crash-course in LiDAR or need a video to show in the classroom:
Note that due to the large number of applicants, the deadline for applying to the "New Tools in Process-Based Analysis of Lidar Topographic Data" workshop has been moved up to 9 AM EST on Monday, March 15:
Dear Colleagues,
On March 7th, we announced an upcoming workshop titled
Please see the following announcement for an upcoming NSF-sponsored workshop on “New Tools in Process-Based Analysis of Lidar Topographic Data,” to be held June 1-2 at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) in Boulder, Colorado. The goal of the workshop is to "provide researchers in Earth surface processes with an opportunity to gain hands-on knowledge in new methods for analyzing high-resolution topographic data. Participants should have active research projects using lidar data (airborne or ground-based).
I received the following announcement from Barb Tewksbury at Hamilton about an upcoming series of On the Cutting Edge workshops that they are hosting on the topics of Teaching Geoscience Using GIS and Remote Sensing and Teaching Geoscience