
This section of OpenTopography provides links to various education and training resources related to high-resolution topography data. We hope this section of the site will grow into a useful knowledge base. If you can't find what you are looking for here, please email us at info@opentopography.org.

Online Training

OpenTopography online training resources for self-paced learning.

Curriculum for Educators

For educators, OpenTopography provides curriculum modules that include lesson outlines, sample datasets, and student activities to integrate topographic data into the classroom.

Workshops & Short Courses

Lectures, tutorials, exercises, and sample data from past workshops and short courses that OpenTopography team members have led or collaborated with others in conducting. There's a vast amount of training content available through the pages linked below. Explore the most recent courses for the latest content.

OpenTopography Blog

Information and discussion related to high-resolution lidar topography for the Earth sciences.