
OpenTopography Down Due to Regional Power Outage

Sep 9, 2011

UPDATE Sept 9, 12 pm: All OpenTopography systems should now be up. The visualization server may be intermittently unavailable due to residual networking issues caused by the Southern California power outage.

Notice: Downtime Planned for Thurs September 8th

Aug 30, 2011

OpenTopography will be intermittently unavailable starting at 12 pm Pacific time on Thursday, September 8th, 2011. We will be physically relocating OpenTopography servers to a new rack location in the San Diego Supercomputer Center machine room. We anticipate certain components of OpenTopography to be unavailable during this migration and expect the outage to last several hours on Thursday afternoon.

Unplanned Outage

Aug 5, 2011

UPDATE: The OpenTopography outage caused by loss of power on the UCSD campus has been resolved. Thanks for your patience.

On account of an unplanned power outage at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, certain OpenTopography services are down as of 4:45 pm Pacific on Friday August 5th. We are monitoring the situation and will restore OpenTopography services once power has been restored. Thank you for your patience.

New Teton County, Wyoming LiDAR Data Available

Aug 3, 2011

Additional information from the Teton Conservation District on the lidar point cloud data released by OpenTopography last week:


New Teton County, Wyoming LiDAR Data Available Online

OpenTopography v 3.3 Enhances Visibility for Dataset Funders, Collectors and Project Partners

Jul 21, 2011

The OpenTopography team is pleased to announce the release of version 3.3 of the OpenTopography system. This release includes numerous user interface and system enhancements as well as bug fixes. The most prominent update in v 3.3 from the perspective of users and our data partners is that we've now made the "roles" of groups involved in a dataset collection more prominent.

Points2Grid Lidar Gridding Code Open Source Release

Jun 24, 2011

We're pleased to formally announce the open source release of the OpenTopography-developed Points2Grid algorithm for Digital Elevation Models generation from lidar point cloud data. Points2Grid is a robust and scalable local gridding tool for processing LIDAR point cloud data to DEMs. The algorithm uses a local gridding method to compute grid cell elevation using a neighborhood defined around each cell based on a search radius provided by the user.


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