Nancy West and Shelley Olds from the UNAVCO education and outreach program are in Indianapolis this weekend for the 2012 National Science Teachers Association (NSTA) National Conference. Today, they'll be presenting a one-hour session on how lidar derived imagery and Google Earth can be used in the classroom to teach students about earth surface processes. Their demonstrations will highlight OpenTopography hosted lidar data and the Google Earth-base lidar visualizations we provide.
Friday, March 30 2:00-3:00 PM
What's Under the Shrubbery? Study Erosion, Landslides, Dinosaur Tracks, and More with LiDAR and Google EarthLiDAR stands for Light Detection And Ranging. Virtually strip away vegetation and explore a variety of landscapes unseen by the human eye using LiDAR and Google Earth to teach students about how the land changes.
Presenter(s): Nancy W. West (Quarter Dome Consulting, LLC: Fort Collins, CO); Shelley E. Olds (UNAVCO: Boulder, CO); Christopher Crosby (San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California: La Jolla, CA)
Shelley and Nancy will also be highlighting OpenTopography lidar during daily 30 minute presentations in the Earth Science Learning Laboratory booth in the NSTA Conference convention hall. The presentations in the Earth Science Learning Lab booth provide an opportunity for teachers to "explore classroom-ready resources available from federally funded and not-for-profit scientific organizations". The booth is a partnership between the American Geologic Institution (AGI), the EarthScope National Office (ESNO), the Geologic Society of America (GSA), the IRIS Consortium, and UNAVCO.