OpenTopography is pleased to announce the release of two new lidar point cloud datasets. Both datasets can be accessed via the OpenTopography "Find Data" interface.
Andrews Experimental Forest and Willamette National Forest LiDAR (Aug 2008):
Watershed Sciences, Inc. collected Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data from HJ Andrews and the Willamette National Forest (NF) on August 10th and 11th 2008. Total area of the study is 17,705 acres. The total area of delivered LiDAR including 100m buffer is 19,493 acres. The dataset collection was funded by the National Science Foundation's Long-Term Ecological Research Program, US Forest Service Pacific Northwest Research Station, and Oregon State University. In addition to the point cloud dataset, standard DEMs are also available for download from OpenTopography.
2005 San Diego Urban Region Lidar:
2005 Lidar coverage over cities of San Diego, Poway, and Chula Vista. These lidar data are part of a larger project that collected lidar for a number of coastal cities in San Diego County. Data from the same 2005 lidar project may be available for other cities beyond San Diego, Poway, and Chula Vista but those cities should be contacted individually. Lidar data were collected in conjunction with a three-inch resolution imagery collection for San Diego, Poway, and Chula Vista. Lidar products include LAS files and ASCII canopy data at a minimum; Poway adds two foot contours. Point spacing of LAS data is approximately one meter. Data have also been resampled to a one-ninth arc second grid (three meter spacing) and placed within the National Elevation Dataset.