OT Blog

Information and discussion related to high-resolution lidar topography for the Earth sciences

NCALM Annual Kurt Frankel and Clint Slatton Lidar Awards

NCALM is pleased to announce two awards supported by Optech Inc., and Riegl USA Inc. - the Kurt Frankel and Clint Slatton Awards. Information on the two awards is below. Complete guidelines and nomination forms can be found on the NCALM website. In addition, requests for nominations will also be advertised in EOS on May 7, 14, and 21st.

UNAVCO Terrestrial Laser Scanning Internship

UNAVCO is offering a paid internship for summer 2013 to focus on the development of community support resources for the UNAVCO Geodetic Imaging (Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) - a.k.a., ground-based LiDAR) program.

Understanding Earth-surface processes in the alpine environment from high resolution topography

OpenTopography is a co-sponsor of a 2013 European Geosciences Union Summer School program on: "Understanding Earth-surface processes in the alpine environment from high resolution topography". The course will be taught July 29 to August 4th, 2013 in Italian Dolomites.

Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU) - a Co-Investigator on OpenTopography - is on the summer school scientific committee and will be presenting a keynote talk during the course.
