
Wasatch Nephi North Data Now Available

Sep 11, 2009

OpenTopography is pleased to announce that the Nephi North portion of the Wasatch fault LiDAR data set, acquired during the GeoEarthScope Intermountain Seismic Belt (ISB) project is now available. The majority of the ISB data set was released via OpenTopography in May, but due to additional data processing challenges, the Nephi North segment of the data set was not distributed at that time.

New GeoEarthScope LiDAR data available: Yellowstone, Tetons, Wasatch

May 7, 2009

We are pleased to announce the availability of new GeoEarthScope airborne LiDAR data products from the Intermountain Seismic Belt (ISB) project! This release includes high resolution LiDAR topography data collected in tectonically active regions of Utah and Wyoming, including Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the Nephi segment (southern strand) of the Wasatch fault. These LiDAR data can be explored and downloaded in several ways:


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