OpenTopography is a co-sponsor of a 2013 European Geosciences Union Summer School program on: "Understanding Earth-surface processes in the alpine environment from high resolution topography". The course will be taught July 29 to August 4th, 2013 in Italian Dolomites.
Ramon Arrowsmith (ASU) - a Co-Investigator on OpenTopography - is on the summer school scientific committee and will be presenting a keynote talk during the course.
This summer three San Diego high school students interned for OpenTopography as part of the Research Experience for High School Students (REHS) program at the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UCSD. The students primarily worked on analysis of anonymized user behavior data as well as data usage patterns to identify relationships and trends in OpenTopography system use.
The National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM) has announced the 2013 call for Graduate Student Seed Proposals. The NCALM Seed program provides an excellent opportunity for graduate students to obtain lidar data for their research. Data collections are limited to 40 square kilometers.
Structure from Motion (SfM) utilizes overlapping images to construct 3D models and is quickly gaining momentum as a low-cost and efficient technique to acquire high resolution topography. In this short video Ramon Arrowsmith (Arizona State University), part of the OpenTopography leadership team, provides an introduction to SfM.
Dave Tewksbury from Hamilton College got in touch to let us know that he'll be teaching a pair of lidar short courses at the 2013 Geological Society of America Northeastern Section Meeting in Bretton Woods, NH.
UNAVCO is running a pair of short courses at the 2013 Geological Society of America meeting in Denver next month (October 27-30th) that may be of interest to the OpenTopography community. Details are below. The early registration deadline is September 23rd.
Via the Gilbert Club email list, a PhD assistantship position at Utah State University working with Patrick Belmont on feature extraction from lidar topography data: