Workshop Announcement: EarthCube - Advancing the Analysis of High Resolution Topography

May 16, 2018


EarthCube Research Coordination Network Workshop - Advancing the Analysis of High Resolution Topography (A2 HRT)

August 21-24, 2018
Omni Interlocken Hotel, Broomfield, CO

NSF logoEC logo

We invite you to participate in an NSF-funded EarthCube Research Coordination Network Workshop: Advancing the Analysis of High Resolution Topography (A2 HRT), August 21-24, 2018 in Broomfield, CO. The workshop brings together the Earth science community to discuss technical challenges and cyberinfrastructure requirements to answer scientific questions, coordinate research activities, and share best practices and resources.

The first part of the workshop will comprise talks, participant pop-ups, and discussion sessions. A tutorial on advanced methods for HRT analysis will be offered in the second part of the workshop. Funding is available for partial support of the participants. Space is limited. Please apply by June 1, 2018. Participants will be notified of acceptance by mid-June.