Commercial and Government Agency Partnerships

OpenTopography provides a one-stop solution for hosting and distribution of open and free topography data co-located with on-demand processing tools.

Derive the greatest return-on-investment from your lidar data by making it easy to find, download, and process into useful derivatives.


Why partner with us?

Restriction-free topography data access

On-demand tools for processing data

Big Data topography analysis

Efficiently distribute and provide open, free access to your new or legacy topography datasets via the cloud to increase your return-on-investment Use web-based processing tools to visualize data and generate DEMs, hillshades, and change maps via a user-friendly interface Leverage High Performance Compute resources and OpenTopography's expertise for your next big topography project

Hosting Indiana’s 2011–2013 statewide lidar collection on OpenTopography was one of the best decisions we ever made.

Megan Compton, Geographic Information Officer for Indiana

  • We have over 15 years of experience facilitating access to global topography, lidar, and UAS (drone)-based topography data, processing tools, and derived products.
  • We offer multiple access pathways to data. Easy-to-use web based interfaces lower the barrier of entry for novice users. Cloud optimized access and APIs are designed for efficient data access for expert users.
  • Data hosted on OpenTopography are free and open to all users. Increase return-on-investment by making your data easy to find and use.
  • Ensure broad discovery of your data via our tools and technologies (e.g., ISO 19115 (Data) metadata standards,, OGC CSW, and federation via
  • Users have access to a growing collection of topography data as well as on-demand processing tools .
  • Our platform leverages the power of High Performance Compute resources at the San Diego Supercomputer Center's state of the art facility for compute intensive processing.
  • Measure the return-on-investment with detailed usage metrics presented on our easy to understand analytics dashboards.
  • Our expert team of earth, geospatial, and computer scientists is available for consultation with individual clients for focused large-scale projects involving processing and computations on topography data.
  • We can help you train your team in best practices in high resolution topography (HRT) data processing and analysis. We've taught over 35 short courses in HRT - let us help with your workforce training.
  • Learn more from our marketing materials.

For services for academic institutions, please visit our Academic Services page.

Our Customers


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