
OpenTopography Community Bibliography - A bibliography of peer-reviewed publications and other published documents (reports, theses, etc.) enabled by data access, online data processing, and education and training materials available through OpenTopography. Bibliography and metrics are maintained via a Google Scholar profile for OpenTopography

OpenTopography-related publications by team members are listed below.

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Krishnan S, Crosby CJ, Nandigam V, Phan M, Cowart C, Baru C, Arrowsmith RJ.  2011.  OpenTopography: A Services Oriented Architecture for Community Access to LIDAR Topography. Proceedings of the 2Nd International Conference on Computing for Geospatial Research & Applications.
Padmanabhan A, Youn C, Hwang M, Liu Y, Wang S, Wilkins-Diehr N, Crosby CJ.  2013.  Integration of Science Gateways: A Case Study with CyberGIS and OpenTopography. Proceedings of the Conference on Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment: Gateway to Discovery.
Nandigam V, Crosby C, Arrowsmith R, Phan M, Lin K, Gross B.  2017.  Advancing Analysis of High Resolution Topography Using Distributed HPC Resources in OpenTopography. Proceedings of the Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017 on Sustainability, Success and Impact.