OT+ (OpenTopography Plus)

OpenTopography Plus (OT+) is a subscription service that enables one-stop, easy-to-use access to the highest quality lidar topography for the US. High resolution topographic data from authoritative sources such as the U.S. Geological Survey and NOAA are accessible without the need for specialized software or local compute resources, saving you valuable time and money.

OT+ subscribers can quickly access and download lidar point clouds and digital elevation models (DEMs / height maps), and use OpenTopography's powerful on-demand processing tools to generate custom topographic products including hillshades, contour lines, change maps, and other visualizations and products with just a few mouse clicks.

OT+ Features:

    Unlimited monthly access to lidar point cloud and digital elevation models (DEMs / height maps) covering the vast majority of the US. Datasets include the USGS 3D Elevation Program (3DEP), NOAA Coastal Lidar, and Polar Geospatial Centers DEMs covering polar regions of Earth. Browse data available via OT+

    On-demand, fast, browser-based processing tools: Generate custom DEMs (inc. DTMs, DSMs), contour lines, topographic hillshades and other raster-based derivatives and visualizations, 3D point cloud visualizations, hydrology products, and topographic change maps.

    Per job processing limits: 500 sq km for high resolution DEMs, up to 250 million points (roughly 10-50 sq km) for point cloud download and processing.

OT+ is available as an annual or monthly subscription. To purchase, click on the payment links below (via CognitiveEarth).

You must first create an OpenTopography account. Your OpenTopography UserID is your Username (Email).

Demo the OT platform with these open access datasets:

USGS 3DEP Lidar : Tucson, AZ
NOAA Coastal Lidar: Maui, HI

* Disclaimers

  • Coverage: The coverage areas shown are provided by the agencies responsible for these datasets. In rare cases, the data may not be available for the regions shown. OpenTopography federates access to these public domain datasets and lacks control over their availability and performance. As a result, we cannot guarantee 100% uptime or the completion of all user submitted requests.
  • OpenTopography does not guarantee the quality or accuracy of these data. Users should consult dataset metadata to determine if these data are fit for their purposes.
  • OpenTopography Account: An OpenTopography account is required to participate in the OT+ Pilot. Make an account here.
  • Multi-user Access: OT+ is designed for individual users only. For multi-seat/group access, please email info@opentopography.org.
  • OT+ Access: Access to OT+ is not instant. Upon registration and payment, an OT team member will grant you access to the system and you will receive an email notification that your enrollment in OT+ is complete.

If you have any questions about the pilot, please email us at info@opentopography.org