The National Science Foundation (NSF) has renewed funding for OpenTopography, a science gateway that provides online access to Earth science oriented high resolution topography data and processing tools to advance understanding of the Earth’s surface, vegetation, and built environment. OpenTopography is a comprehensive platform for open access to high-resolution (1 meter pixel resolution or better) and global topographic data that is utilized by an international community of researchers, educators, government agencies, industry and hobbyists.
OpenTopography is a collaborative project operated by the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at the University of California San Diego; EarthScope Consortium, a non-profit university-governed consortium facilitating geoscience research and education; and Arizona State University’s (ASU) School of Earth and Space Exploration (SESE).
The award “Sustained Resources: OpenTopography - An AI-ready Cyberinfrastructure Facility for Advancing Our Understanding of a Changing Earth” provides $4.18 million over four years for the fifth generation of the project. The award is funded by the Geoinformatics program in NSF’s Division of Earth Sciences and NSF's National Discovery Cloud for Climate (NDC-C) initiative.
Under the new award, OpenTopography continues to advance efforts to ease topographic data discovery, access, processing and visualization for use primarily in education and research.
Read all the details in this SDSC press release: OpenTopography Receives $4 Million to Support AI-Ready Access to Topographic Data for Research and Education
We thank members of the OpenTopography community for their continued support!