EGU 2012 Session - Laser Scanning: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, and Infrastructures in Geosciences

Nov 16, 2011

The 2012 European Geosciences Union meeting in Vienna will feature a session on lidar - Laser Scanning: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, and Infrastructures in Geosciences. The session announcement is below and abstract submission is open.

OpenTopography will be featured as the invited talk in the session.

Dear Colleague,

We are pleased to draw your kind attention to our EGU2012 (Vienna, 22-27 April 2012) session:

=> ESSI1.6 Laser Scanning: 3D Spatial Data, Analysis, and Infrastructures in Geosciences

(co-listed in GI3 - Earth surface investigation methods and GM2 - Concepts, Techniques and Methods in Geomorphology)

This session brings together researchers aiming at increasing the availability, understanding, and use of 3D spatial data (e.g. 3D laser point cloud) and services to support research in the geosciences. This includes studies on 3D data acquisition, management, analysis and visualization in a broader GeoWeb and SDI context. In particular, case studies and applications for the investigation of Earth surface processes and landforms using 3D data are invited. We particularly encourage early stage researchers to present their studies.

Selected contributions will be invited for publication in a special journal issue.

Furthermore, collaborative GeoWeb case studies using laser scanning data shall be identified in order to initiate an Open Laser Data and Analysis Project.

- Invited Talk: "OpenTopography" by Chaitan Baru, San Diego Supercomputer Center, UC San Diego

- Detailed Session Description:

- Deadline for Receipt of Abstracts: 17 January 2012

To submit an abstract you are kindly asked to go to:

Kind regards,

Bernhard Hoefle, Norbert Pfeifer, Balazs Szekely and Alexander Zipf (conveners)