OpenTopography at AGU

Dec 11, 2009

The annual American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting will kickoff on Monday in San Francisco. OpenTopography will be on display at the GEON booth in the Exhibit Hall (#315 in the Exhibit Hall, Moscone South). OpenTopography team members will be on-hand to discuss and demonstrate the latest updates to the site and to show off newly released data. Please stop by the booth and say hi.

OpenTopography-related scientific presentations:
Visualization of High-Resolution LiDAR Topography in Google Earth (Poster, IN33A-1034). C. J. Crosby, V. Nandigam; R. Arrowsmith; J. L. Blair. Wed, 12/16/09, 1:40-6 p.m., Poster Hall, Moscone South. - this abstract is in one of the sessions associated with the Geo-Visualization with Virtual Globes track at AGU, and as such there will be live demos on a large flat screen monitor instead of the standard paper posters. These are really fun sessions - plan to stop by.

Wallace Creek Virtual Field Trip: Teaching Geoscience Concepts with LiDAR (Poster, ED51A-0519). S.E. Robinson, R. Arrowsmith; C. J. Crosby. Friday, 12/18/09, 8-12:20 p.m., Poster Hall, Moscone South.

Internet-Based Software Tools for Analysis and Processing of LIDAR Point Cloud Data via OpenTopography Portal (Oral presentation, IN51C-02). V. Nandigam; C. J. Crosby; C. Baru; R. Arrowsmith. Friday, 12/18/09, 8:15 a.m., Moscone South 102.