The annual American Geophysical Union (AGU) Meeting will kickoff on Monday in San Francisco. OpenTopography will be on display at the GEON booth in the Exhibit Hall (#315 in the Exhibit Hall, Moscone South). OpenTopography team members will be on-hand to discuss and demonstrate the latest updates to the site and to show off newly released data. Please stop by the booth and say hi.
OpenTopography-related scientific presentations:
Visualization of High-Resolution LiDAR Topography in Google Earth (Poster, IN33A-1034). C. J. Crosby, V. Nandigam; R. Arrowsmith; J. L. Blair. Wed, 12/16/09, 1:40-6 p.m., Poster Hall, Moscone South. - this abstract is in one of the sessions associated with the Geo-Visualization with Virtual Globes track at AGU, and as such there will be live demos on a large flat screen monitor instead of the standard paper posters. These are really fun sessions - plan to stop by.
Wallace Creek Virtual Field Trip: Teaching Geoscience Concepts with LiDAR (Poster, ED51A-0519). S.E. Robinson, R. Arrowsmith; C. J. Crosby. Friday, 12/18/09, 8-12:20 p.m., Poster Hall, Moscone South.
Internet-Based Software Tools for Analysis and Processing of LIDAR Point Cloud Data via OpenTopography Portal (Oral presentation, IN51C-02). V. Nandigam; C. J. Crosby; C. Baru; R. Arrowsmith. Friday, 12/18/09, 8:15 a.m., Moscone South 102.