Vermont, Mojave Desert, CA Coast Range, and New Hampshire Point Data Available

Feb 28, 2013

Four datasets covering areas of Northern Vermont, Mojave Desert, Northern California Coast Range, and Southern New Hampshire are now available through OpenTopography.

Missisquoi Watershed Data
The Missisquoi Watershed LiDAR data were provided by the University of Vermont's Spatial Analysis Laboratory. The data were acquired by Photoscience and subsequently reviewed by the United Stated Geological Survey (USGS) and The University of Vermont. The data are made available on OpenTopography through a grant from AmericaView, a nationwide consortium for remote sensing education, research and geospatial applications.

Unfiltered hillshade image showing Jay Peak ski resort in Jay State Forest, Vermont.

National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping Data
Three datasets covering areas of the Mojave Desert, the Northern California Coast Range and Southern New Hampshire are now available through OpenTopography. These data were collected from 2004 to 2012 by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping. NCALM is an NSF-funded center that supports the use of airborne laser mapping technology (a.k.a. lidar) in the scientific community and is jointly operated by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston and the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California-Berkeley. One dataset in this release were collected under NCALM's graduate student seed proposal program that awards ten projects per year to graduate student PIs who need lidar data for their research. Each collection is typically limited to no more than 40 square kilometers. The release of these data via OpenTopography is the product of a memoranda of understanding (MOU) between OpenTopography and NCALM to make OT the primary distribution pathway for NCALM data.

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Unfiltered point cloud (left) and hillshade (right) images of a small landslide scar along the South Fork of the Eel River, California Coast Range.