Spring 2023 OpenTopography Webinar Series

Nov 21, 2022

OpenTopography invites you to join us for a series of weekly hour-long webinars beginning in March 2023. During the webinars, we will teach the basics of lidar, demonstrate how to use OpenTopography's growing set of on-demand processing tools, and present available resources and educational materials. The majority of the webinars will be a combination of a lecture on background material and a hands-on demonstration where participants will have the opportunity to use OpenTopography's tools to process and visualize topography data.

This webinar series should be of interest to students early in their career through advanced researchers and educators looking to learn new topographic data skills. We also anticipate the webinar will be of interest to those outside of academia including users of topography data for commercial, governmental, and hobby applications.

Webinars are free to attend. Attendees must sign-up here. Attendees will receive a Zoom link with connection information before the webinar series begins.

All webinars will be on Wednesdays from 1–2 pm Eastern Time / 10–11 am Pacific Time. Webinars will be recorded and posted on OpenTopography's YouTube channel (and linked in the table below) following the event.

Webinars will be lead by members of the OpenTopography team and will cover the following topics (tentative):  

Date Topic
March 15, 2023 Introduction to OpenTopography
March 22, 2023 Introduction to topographic point clouds (lidar, photogrammetry, etc.)
March 29, 2023 Introduction to Digital Elevation Models (DEMs, DTMs, DSMs, rasters)
April 5, 2023 3D visualization of topography data using OT's Potree viewer and CloudCompare
April 12, 2023 Topographic differencing with OT's tools
April 19, 2023 Hydrology and topography using OT tools
April 26, 2023 OpenTopography's educational & training resources
May 3, 2023 3D printing and iPhone lidar