Raster data now available for areas in California, Colorado, New Hampshire, and Washington

Oct 8, 2015

OpenTopography is happy to announce the release of seven new raster datasets. These datasets are derived from previously released point cloud data, and allow users to quickly and easily access high resolution digital elevation models. Six of these datasets were collected by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping (NCALM). NCALM is a NSF-funded center that supports the use of airborne laser mapping technology (a.k.a. lidar) in the scientific community and is jointly operated by the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cullen College of Engineering, University of Houston and the Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley. The release of these data via OpenTopography is the product of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between OpenTopography and NCALM to make OT the primary distribution pathway for NCALM data. All datasets were collected between 2010 and 2012.

The seventh dataset comes from the U.S. Geological Survey and covers the Salton Sea area of southern California:

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(left) Google Earth image showing forested area of Mount Rainier. (right) Bare earth hillshade model highlighting lateral moraines, river terraces, and a braided river in the same location.