GEON, in collaboration with the USGS, has developed a Google Earth file (KMZ) that provides access to 1 meter resolution bare earth hillshades from the Northern California GeoEarthScope LiDAR topography dataset. By downloading this file and opening it in Google Earth, users are able to browse hillshades with two illumination angles (315 and 45 degrees) for faults in the northern San Andreas fault system. The Google Earth file remotely accesses data stored on GEON servers to allow users to seamlessly browse the full NoCal dataset from within Google Earth.
The GeoEarthScope Northern California LiDAR data were acquired as part of the EarthScope Facility project funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). The Google Earth file was created by J. Luke Blair ( - USGS, Earthquake Hazards Program) and Chris Crosby ( - GEON Project, San Diego Supercomputer Center).