OpenTopography is pleased to announce the release of the SRTM15+ V2.1 global bathymetry and topography dataset. This dataset is the latest iteration of the SRTM+ digital elevation model (DEM) where the "plus" indicates the addition of ocean bathymetry from shipboard soundings and satellite-derived predicted depths. This DEM is a global elevation grid with a spatial sampling interval of 15 arc seconds (approximately 500 x 500 m pixel size at the equator). New data consists of >33.6 million multibeam and singlebeam measurements collated by several institutions.
For more information on this dataset, see its associated publication:
Tozer, B, Sandwell, D. T., Smith, W. H. F., Olson, C., Beale, J. R., & Wessel, P. (2019). Global bathymetry and topography at 15 arc sec: SRTM15+. Earth and Space Science, 6, 1847.
or visit the project website for more details.
Get the data:
Colored Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the Mediterranean Sea draped on Google Earth imagery
Colored Digital Elevation Model of the Hawaiian Archipelago and its bathymetry draped on Google Earth imagery