New lidar datasets available: Kern Canyon and Lake Isabella, CA

Dec 9, 2019

OpenTopography is pleased to announce the release of a new lidar dataset covering about 439 km2 along Kern Canyon, CA. The dataset was collected in 2008 for the Army Corps of Engineers and was used to identify late Quaternary deformation, and other seismogenic processes that are occurring in this region of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. These data were also used for analysis and mapping of floodplains along the Kern River. In addition, we are providing a dataset collected over Lake Isabella, CA by the US Army Corps' Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory in August 2015.

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Forest Elevation Profile 3D Point cloud of eastern edge of Sequoia National Park. Lower panel contains a 2D profile of the forest. A Giant Sequoia in the profile is roughly 170 feet tall.



Hillshade along Kern Canyon with faults Hillshade of section of Kern Canyon. Late Quaternary faults ( less than 15K years) from the USGS Quaternary Fault and Fold Database are plotted in red.