Eos article highlights N. California GeoEarthScope LIDAR and access via OpenTopography

Mar 4, 2009

A feature article entitled Illuminating Northern California’s Active Faults appeared in the February 17, 2009 issue of Eos, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union. The article highlights northern California GeoEarthScope LIDAR topography as well as access to those data via the OpenTopography Portal.

The full citation of the article is:
Prentice, Carol S, Christopher J. Crosby, Caroline S. Whitehill, J Ramόn Arrowsmith, Kevin P. Furlong, David A. Phillips, 17 February 2009, Illuminating Northern California’s Active Faults, Eos, Vol. 90, No. 7, p. 55-56.

A PDF of the article is available online to AGU members