Video Highlights Applications of Oregon Lidar Data

Feb 14, 2011

This well done ~10 minute video from Oregon Public Broadcasting's Field Guide does an excellent job of highlighting the various earth science applications for the lidar data being collected by the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries' (DOGAMI) Lidar Consortium. The video features DOGAMI's Ian Madin talking about applications for bare earth lidar data, including identifying and mapping Missoula Flood deposits, landslides, and volcanic cones. The video also offers a nice overview of lidar data collection, with footage from inside Watershed Science's aircraft. More information about the video is available via this OPB Field Journal blog post.

Oregon is currently a leader with their large scale, high-resolution, lidar data collections. These datasets exceed 8 shots/m2 and make the subtle identification and mapping applications discussed in the video possible. OpenTopography recently received a hard drive containing several Oregon Lidar Consortium datasets, and we are in the process of discussing a partnership to deliver these data to users. Stay tuned for more.
