OT Bibliography 2024: Review of publications using OpenTopography

Feb 10, 2025

Primary support for OpenTopography comes from the Division of Earth Sciences at the U.S. National Science Foundation, and thus, our principal emphasis is on facilitating access to topographic data oriented towards Earth science research and education. In the context of academic research, publications are a crucial metric for measuring impact and sustaining support for initiatives such as OpenTopography.

Since its initiation, OpenTopography data and resources have enabled:

  • 1,204 peer-reviewed publications
  • 139 undergraduate, masters and PhD theses
  • 34 book sections
  • 57 reports

OpenTopography entire bibliography's is available here. To view the 2024 publications that used OpenTopography, click here.

2024 saw a significant increase in the number of publications that use and reference a specific dataset(s) from OpenTopography. The Earth and natural sciences remain the dominant discipline that references OpenTopography, with continued increases in remote sensing/ GIS and computer science (e.g., cyberinfrastructure, algorithm development). The diversification of Earth science disciplines represented in these publications, particularly in geomorphology and ecology, demonstrate the broad applications of open topographic data.

We also track OpenTopography's impact on academic research via a citation count from Google Scholar and the facility's h-index. At the end of 2024, publications that used data from OpenTopography have been cited nearly 27,000 times, resulting in a h-index of 78. These citation metrics indicate that OpenTopography is a valuable asset to the Earth science community.

Pubs by Discipline

Growth of OpenTopography publications per year by science discipline.


Pubs by Discipline

Total OpenTopography publications by science discipline.


Pubs by Discipline

OpenTopography citations as compiled by Google Scholar.


If you’ve published research that used datasets from OpenTopography, please take a moment to review the OpenTopography Google Scholar page and make sure that we’ve included your work. If not please let us know and we will update our records. For more information about how to cite datasets provided by OpenTopography, see our citation guidance page.