OpenTopography continued to experience strong growth in 2021 with increases in usage (jobs) as well as number of users. At the end of 2021, we have had over 158,047 unique users running 626,973 processing jobs via the portal and over 284,559 unique API users/IPs invoking in excess of 2,578,334 API jobs. We saw double the growth in the number of API calls from an already exponential growth in 2021. We continued to add more topography datasets as well as increased federated access to the number of USGS 3DEP datasets hosted on the cloud.
More detailed real time analytics are available from our dashboard here:
The slides below summarizes various OpenTopography metrics highlights for the 2021 year to illustrate use of the platform.
Thank you for your support of OpenTopography. We're looking forward to another great year in 2022!