Media coverage of El Mayor-Cucupah earthquake rupture LiDAR dataset

Sep 16, 2010

Palm Springs CBS TV affiliate KPSP has a nice report and video from the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) annual meeting this past week highlighting the recently collected LiDAR data along the surface rupture of the April 4th, 2010 El Mayor-Cucupah earthquake in northern Baja California. Results from analysis of preliminary data products were presented at the SCEC meeting. The video features Mike Oskin of UC Davis, and OpenTopography Co-PI, Ramon Arrowsmith from ASU. Read the article and view the video here: Scientists: It's Now Easier to Predict 'The Big One'

These data were gathered by the National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping with funding from the National Science Foundation and SCEC. Processing of these data is currently underway, and all data products will ultimately be freely available from OpenTopography.

Scarp from 2010 El Mayor-Cucupah earthquake:


Via Ramon Arrowsmith