GEON Cyperinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists

Apr 29, 2009

For the 6th year in a row, GEON will be hosting the Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists at San Diego Supercomputer Center, August 10-14. Of particular interest to the OpenTopography community, CSIG '09 will feature a day devoted specifically to OpenTopo. We will discuss the technology that makes OpenTopography work as well as brainstorm opportunities for integrating high-resolution LiDAR topography into the classroom. CSIG is a great chance for earth scientists to gain exposure to the emerging information technology trends and resources that make community, web-based, systems like the OpenTopography Portal possible.


GEON is pleased to announce the 6th Cyberinfrastructure Summer Institute for Geoscientists (CSIG) to be held August 10-14 at the San Diego Supercomputer Center on the University of California, San Diego campus. General and program information, as well as online registration is available at:

CSIG‘09 will expose participants to emergent Geoinformatics approaches to 3D and 4D integration of geoscience data. Given the diverse interests of past CSIG participants, and the feedback that they provided, this year’s program will feature two “tracks” of instruction:

“Build”: Overview of the technologies utilized to develop earth science cyberinfrastructure.
“Education”: Utilization of cyberinfrastructure-based data systems and tools for earth science education and research.

Interested applicants at all levels are encouraged to apply, including graduate students, postdocs, faculty, and professionals in earth science and related disciplines.

Course registration and accommodations are paid for with support received from the National Science Foundation ( Selected participants will be responsible for funding their own travel to San Diego for the Institute.

The Registration Deadline for the CSIG ’09 is June 7th. Registration can be found at

Please forward this information to anyone that may be interested in this year’s CSIG.