AGU 2014 Session: High-resolution topography for analyzing Earth-surface dynamics

Jul 30, 2014

Members of the OpenTopography team are co-convening a session at the fall 2014 American Geophysical Union Meeting in San Francisco:

AGU Session #3486: High-resolution topography for analyzing Earth-surface dynamics

Session description:
The surface of the Earth is a dynamic interface on which atmospheric, hydrologic, geomorphic, biotic, tectonic, and human processes interact. The prediction of water, sediment, and nutrient transfer, natural hazard mapping, radiation balance, and biophysical feedbacks that control landscape form and function have been previously limited by the coarse representation of the Earth's surface. High-resolution topography allows the characterization of many features and perturbations, both natural and anthropogenic, that exert control of mass and energy transfer at a range of spatial scales. We seek contributions that use high resolution topography data (e.g., airborne and terrestrial LiDAR, Structure from Motion, IfSAR) to further our understanding of Earth-surface processes, including how ecologic, hydrologic, geomorphic, and tectonic processes are coupled, how life and landscapes co-evolve, and how environmental fluxes are transported through landscapes.

We are pleased to confirm the following invited speakers for this session:
Nancy Glenn
Edwin Nissen
Francis Rengers
Dimitri Lague

The AGU deadline is fast approaching (06-08-14) and we hope interested individuals will consider submitting an abstract to this session.

Best wishes,
Thad Wasklewicz, Paola Passalacqua, Ramon Arrowsmith, and Christopher Crosby