New Teton County, Wyoming LiDAR Data Available

Aug 3, 2011

Additional information from the Teton Conservation District on the lidar point cloud data released by OpenTopography last week:


New Teton County, Wyoming LiDAR Data Available Online

The Teton Conservation District, in partnership with OpenTopography, and assisted by the Wyoming State Geological Survey, is pleased to announce the release of a new airborne LiDAR data set that covers approximately 141-square miles in the western portion of Teton County, Wyoming. Airborne LiDAR data was collected in 2008 and includes portions of the Bridger-Teton National Forest, the southern portion of Grand Teton National Park, and adjacent lands.

Public release of this survey will help conservationists, geoscientists, emergency planners, and others, to produce high resolution data products including forest density models, landslide hazards, flood inundation models, updated fault maps, and more.

Public and private individuals are encouraged to explore this new data and are asked to please cite the Teton Conservation District ( when the data is used in a public forum. The scientific community is asked to share research that is performed using this data.

The Teton Conservation District, Wyoming LiDAR can be found at, or by using this direct link: