Workshops on Interoperability/Technology and Education/Outreach aspects of Geoinformatics

Jul 30, 2010

The following workshop, to be held September 23 and 24, 2010 at the USGS-Denver Federal Center, may be of interest to the OpenTopography community and researchers working on geoinformatics:

Workshops on Interoperability/Technology and Education/Outreach aspects of Geoinformatics - working towards a National Geoinformatics Community

Workshop overview:
Building on the experience gathered from previous workshops on geoinformatics, the academic community has the opportunity to be directly involved in planning and coordinating future efforts in geoinformatics research and learning. The main objectives of these workshops are to identify the best ways to integrate and share data and knowledge from different fields in the geosciences, focus geoinformatics research and education priorities, and build a National Geoinformatics Community (NGC). Important to this is to address aspects related to interoperability/technology and education/outreach. The vision for NGC is to advance geoinformatics at all levels via outreach, advocacy, and fostering communities of practice. The NGC concept has evolved from numerous workshops, town hall meetings, and the work of an exploratory committee in meetings with existing and successful community efforts such as UNAVCO, IRIS, Ocean Leadership (formerly JOI), and CUAHSI.

We invite participation in the two-day workshop to establish the National Geoinformatics Community. The first day and a half will be run as two parallel, separate workshops: one for interoperability/technology and the other for education/outreach. The two groups will meet for the last half-day to review results and plan for future activities and establishing the NGC. The workshops will be held at the USGS, Denver Federal Center, Denver, CO.

More information about the workshop and application information are available at: